My realizations of who God is, and the ways his Kingdom is being realized on Earth

Monday, June 7, 2010


I teach lifeskills in Remann Hall every other week. Three weeks ago it was "Courage". Last week it was "Storytelling". Every girl in Remann Hall has in incredible story, and it's getting better EVERY day. They are overcomers, survivors, women of strength, leaders, courageous, who will shape the world by telling their story, how Jesus saved them and was the first person to ever win their heart. I had them write a story from their own life, interesting beginning, gripping middle, and an ending that wraps it all up. Here is one of their stories (with more to follow):

Rachel and Danny

My brother had just gotten out of inpatient treatment, he had a sober BBQ and invited everyone from rehab to my house. I saw little Danny and I thought he was SO cute. I added him on myspace. A couple months later we started talking and he promised he'd come see me the day he got back from Ohio.

We fell in love and every day I spent with him was the new best day of my life. His parents told him he was going back to impatient for three months so he ran away. I ran with him, we lived together for two weeks. Those are still the best two weeks of my life. After we got caught I went to rehab and he went with me.

Our lives became so different and I was still running away a lot, so he broke up with me. We still hung out sometimes and were pretty much still together, but we grew apart and he went back to rehab and has a girlfriend.

PS. I know I promised a picture, so here's the fam: Jenny, Ellie, Nina, and Adam Narciso