“I don’t want to be like my mom, but I’m just like her. I want more for my life, but I don’t know what to do. I know I don’t act like myself on the outs, but I can’t.” These were some of the first comments I heard from Maleah when I met her in Remann Hall, and with them, she won my heart. Maleah has been in and out of detention for 5 years, and finally came to the point where she didn’t want to come back. As I visited her almost every day for a month, I saw dramatic change in Maleah ; I began to see signs of life. She began to act like a kid again, laughing and playing. As we taught about God’s definition of love, she began to understand that people in her life don’t really love her, but she chose to love them and walk in forgiveness. Maleah knew that God had the answers for life; she was done trying to do it on her own and wanted to see what God would say about it all.
When she was released, she quickly entered her old life, which exists just on the other side of her bedroom door. She lives in a trailer with 6 meth-addicted adults, three other teens that are in and out of detention, and 3 children. I spent hours praying and interceding for Maleah’s life, knowing that God could restore every part of her life, and every part of her heart. Maleah was back in Remann Hall last week, and I was so happy to see her! She gave me a hug, and on my shoulder, cried, and apologized over and over again. Walls came down as I got to tell her that I had missed her, and was happy to see her, not angry or disappointed, and still full of faith and hope for her life. She was released a few days later and has been in steady contact, both with her probation officer and me.
We had a great conversation as I drove her home from treatment last week. Someone had told her about the end of the world, and that God was angry with people, and it was only going to get worse. I was honored to tell her that God does not punish us out of anger, but strategically gets our attention and wins our hearts. I can’t wait for Jesus to come back! Maleah, with a quizzical look, asked why. “I just love him!” Maleah’s reply? “Yeah, I don’t think I’m there yet, but I want to be soon.”