My realizations of who God is, and the ways his Kingdom is being realized on Earth

Monday, December 21, 2009

Robyn's Ramblings

It’s what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 25; “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” The ones on his right, his sheep, will have looked a needy person in the eye, and met their need. The ones on his left, the goats, will have looked the other way, or maybe, they will have been religious and just paid someone else to look at those in need.

That’s what I’m learning. We all have a picture of inner city ministry looks like, right? Gangs? Violence? Baggy clothes? Drugs? Getting cussed at? Teen pregnancy? High school dropouts? Abortion? Loud music? I mean, we’ve heard the statistics, and we’ve seen the movies right? But that’s not knowledge!

I was hanging out with a 15-year-old girl a few weeks ago. She’s been around SOZO for a while, obviously hungry for hope and some good news. I didn’t really know her, but I felt the call to make an investment in her. She asked me about my life, how I ended up in Tacoma, why I do what I do. As I was explaining that I love young people because I know they have a need for truth that I haven’t seen anywhere else, I believe God is calling them to levels of understanding and revelation not seen before, they are the ones to bring the nations of the earth back to their King. She interrupted, “Good, because I need lots of help. I have a secret.” I said Okay, she could tell me if she wanted to.

“I’m pregnant.”

No amount of awareness makes that moment easy. Abandonment has a face. Deep heartache has a face. Teenage pregnancy has a face. That is knowledge.

She told me last week that she lost the baby. I love her, and would never judge or condemn her, but it’s hard for her to believe that. I wonder if that’s the truth. Maybe abortion has a face too.

Do the statistics you’ve heard have faces? Jesus calls us to love the orphans, to feed and clothe them. Your statistics need a face. Jesus wasn’t joking around when he told us to preach the gospel to ALL nations. Has your nation heard?

The Lord has a passion and a fire and an urgency and a GREAT love that he wants to give you so that you can feed and clothe and preach. Take hold of it, and don’t let go. Your statistics are about to get a face…and it’s a beautiful one.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Frequently Asked Question's

1) Robyn! I haven't seen you in forever! Didn't you go to Australia?

Yes! I went to Australia in the Fall of 2007 to join Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for a 6 month training training school. It was amazing! I learned so much about the Lord and his heart for all of his 6 billion children. I also learned tons about myself! I really fell in love with the nations of the earth, I got to spend time in Indonesia, Singapore, and Nepal. It was my first overseas mission experience, and I'm SOLD! I'm game for doing full-time ministry for the rest of my life! I did another YWAM training school last fall in Los Angeles. The five months I spent in LA really opened my eyes, and my heart, to the orphans in my own country. I worked in after school programs in South Central LA for two months, and then went to Tacoma, WA to work with another missions organization called City Central. I actually MOVED to Tacoma this summer!

2) So...what are you doing in Tacoma?

Well, I started by doing a City Central training school called Catalyst. I spent six weeks in Tacoma, and then helped to lead half of our school in three weeks of outreach to Cape Town, South Africa. I then went back to CA for a month to visit family and friends, and recuperate (I was a little bit sick when we came back from Cape Town). I arrived back in Tacoma last month, and I'm working with Youth For Christ, in partnership with City Central to reach the lost kids of this great city. My focus is in the juvenile justice system, so I spend time 4 days a week in a juvenile detention facility called Remann Hall. I lead our Chapel time on Monday nights, have lunch with the girls on Tuesday afternoons, and help with our Lifeskills class on Wednesday evenings. Well, those are a lot of details, but what I really do is love girls in jail. I encourage them, laugh with them, cry with them, play games, speak truth, support them, I'm a familiar face in the courtroom during their trials, and I'm their FRIEND! The best part is hanging out with them when they are released! I enjoy lots of Starbucks and ice cream treats so I can follow up with them. Get them enrolled in school, work towards a GED, meet friends and family, pray with them, teach them, and get them plugged into SOZO, our youth church. I can talk about my "job" all day (because I LOVE it) but I'll stop there. If you want more, just let me know!

3) Wow! Do you work for an organization? Do you get paid?

I work with TWO organizations! Both City Central and Tacoma Youth For Christ work together, sharing ministry sites, resources, ideas, and strategy. Basically, we're a team! I get to work in conjunction with both of them to reach kids for Jesus! I recently accepted an internship position with Youth For Christ to further ministry with youth in detention as well. I'm supported financially by a group of individuals and churches so I can give 40 hours a week to the youth of the city. They are pure blessings in my life!

If you would like more information about these organizations, you can check out,, or just contact me!

3) Have you connected with a church?

Not yet! I am "well-fed" through City Central! We meet as a body on Sunday nights, and I go to another meeting on Monday's for people in City Central who do full time ministry. It's a great time of worship, prayer, encouragement, strategizing, getting info out, and it's just plain fun! I have been recommended a few churches in Tacoma, and am planning on making a connection with them after the holiday's. I'm always open to suggestions!

4) What's your living situation like?

I live in North Tacoma with Jarrad and Casey Mock, and their two little girls; Isabelle (4) and Claire (2). I have my own room and we all share a bathroom. A few years ago the Mocks decided to finish out their basement to make room for more young adults in their home. Kailey (21), Liz (20), and Heather (24, and in Kansas City doing an internship with IHOP) live in the apartment downstairs. See the cute picture?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What was that about miracle power?

Hi friends!

I just wanted to add onto my last update. I went into Remann Hall tonight to help teach a life skills course, and two of the girls that asked me to pray for physical healing on Monday night greeted me. "So, I'm feeling better. Everything's better. There's no pain." "Yeah, me too! My elbow is totally fine!" They weren't sure exactly how to articulate what they wanted to share, I would say that Jesus healed them! And after I prayed and they got healed, they can't wait to hang out with me on the outs. That's right! How's that for realizing His kingdom on earth? Jesus, you're SO cool!

Keep checking for more updates, something tells me there's going to be more where this one came from.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Everyone should want my life...

Okay, okay. I don't actually want people to be discontented with their own life and desire mine, but....everyone should love their life as much as I love mine!

Yesterday was a fabulous day, and it just got better with each hour. I got to preach in Remann Hall last night, and it was the most fun I've had........since Sunday. (I'm telling ya, I really love my life)

I got to sing and dance with 8 amazing young women who were made to change the world but don't fully believe it yet. I had the privilege of hearing their dreams (finishing high school, earning money through legal means, breaking addiction, raising children well) and of sharing mine. After an intern retreat this past weekend, I'm able to articulate my dream, and it's super simple. I just want to see the things I read about in scripture to happen in front of my face. Jesus promised that He could not only save ones soul, but heal them physically, emotionally, intellectually, financially, and relationally. He wants the real deal, abundant life, for each of them. And He can make it happen. What GOOD NEWS! The girls shared the needs they have that they can't meet themselves, and I got to pray that Jesus would meet that specific need with miracle power. I'm telling you, last night was BEYOND fun!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And so it begins...

A new adventure is about to begin! I've been on lots of adventures in the past two years; 7 countries, 3 training schools, 2 organizations, following one Jesus. It has been a wild and exciting ride, full of joy and discovery, and it just keeps getting better.

My new adventure will look a little different. I've recently moved to Tacoma, WA to volunteer with an organization called City Central for the next two years. For the first year, I'm devoting myself to the fabulous youth of Tacoma by volunteering in Remann Hall (a juvenile justice facility) and SOZO (a ministry reaching out to urban youth).

I've already met some of the young girls I get to hang out with, but there is LOTS more for me to learn in the coming weeks. You can join the adventure here, fall in love with the next generation, and read stories of the awesome love of God transforming a city. Oh, and encouraging notes are always welcome!