My realizations of who God is, and the ways his Kingdom is being realized on Earth

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What was that about miracle power?

Hi friends!

I just wanted to add onto my last update. I went into Remann Hall tonight to help teach a life skills course, and two of the girls that asked me to pray for physical healing on Monday night greeted me. "So, I'm feeling better. Everything's better. There's no pain." "Yeah, me too! My elbow is totally fine!" They weren't sure exactly how to articulate what they wanted to share, I would say that Jesus healed them! And after I prayed and they got healed, they can't wait to hang out with me on the outs. That's right! How's that for realizing His kingdom on earth? Jesus, you're SO cool!

Keep checking for more updates, something tells me there's going to be more where this one came from.