My realizations of who God is, and the ways his Kingdom is being realized on Earth

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Like a Flame of Fire

Hello to blog-readers everywhere! Well, at least to the few, the one, my mom, who might read this. You might have noticed that I "took a break" from my blog. Let's be honest, we had a bad break up. Let's just say that it's been a rough year. But Jesus' name is Faithful and True, so things are starting to look up. My heart and mind are coming alive again, and I wanted to share something with all (one) of you. These are two assignments I've completed recently. My instructions for one, from my class on Pslams, was to create an image of how I see Jesus high and lifted up. My friends depicted the entire throne room, mine is a little less detailed. The second, from my Christology class, was to creatively communicate what I had learned about Jesus in the Old Testament. I stayed with the fire theme, and I hope you enjoy them both. They might be soon appearing on a coffee table near you.

Then I saw Heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war to win his bride and overcome her attackers. His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. Rev 19:11-12 (ish)

The fire in the eyes of Jesus burn with passion and longing for his bride. A day will dawn, and on that day we will see him face to face. We will gaze into the eyes of Jesus and we will see the flames, the eternal fire. He’s always been here, He is to come, but he’s always been here. Build my altar of fire; I will cause my name to be remembered. Let’s remember.

He was there in Genesis when God said let there be light. There was no source, just pure beams of radiant light. In that moment, the story began, in that moment the eyes of Jesus were opened and all of creation sprang forth from those eyes.

He was there on Mt. Moriah, when a father laid his willing son upon the altar. His son, his only son. His son, the one he loved. His son, his only son. Do not be too troubled by the sacrifice of the Son by the Father, for it’s the picture of true love. On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided, and his eyes, like flames of fire, opened and saw the sacrifice they would one day become. His eyes shone upon the ram in the thicket, they key to the rescue the bride.

He was there that dark night, when a man was filled with anxiety and promise. He wrestled and struggled and pulled forth what he knew was his, what he knew was coming. He caught a glimpse and wanted the fullness. He saw Jesus face to face, the eyes were opening as the sun, that ball of fire, began to rise that morn. The blessing was poured out. The eyes again fell on the beloved people, his bride to come.

Years and years go by, generation after generation Where is that man? Has the fire in his eyes gone out? Never! They were searching the wilderness for the one that would lead the exodus from bondage. The eyes like fire were opened and a bush and a man’s heart were set aflame, yet neither were consumed. It was holy ground and the plan to save the bride was pushed forward by those eyes of fire.

The eyes don’t wait long this time. One dark night, lambs and goats are offered all across Egypt. The chosen people are covered by the blood and the sacrifices are consumed with the fire. The eyes of fire open and the institution of fire begins. The Lamb that was Slain gazed upon the lambs that were slain in anticipation of being united with His bride.

The object of the burning passion, the treasured possession, was entering the wilderness. They were alone and exposed, they knew not how to live, they left like an army ready for battle but they knew not how to fight. What would become of this forgotten people? The eyes were opened and the flames came close. The wilderness sun rose dry and hot, ready to teach the bride the name of her beloved. A great pillar of fire would light their way, and keep them warm in a dry and weary land. The Lord did not remove the pillar of fire from its place in front of his bride and they entered the land of promise.

Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them and they will be his people. God himself with be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever in the fire of his eyes. Rev. 21:3-4 (ish)